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April 2011 Cutting Edge Symposium on Advanced Biostatistics and Methodological Issues in Clinical Trials, April 28-29, 2011

The 2011 CANNeCTIN Cutting Edge Symposium was held between April 28-29, 2011 at the David Braley Cardiac, Vascular, and Stroke Research Institute in Hamilton, Ontario. The topic of this year's Symposium was Advanced Biostatistics and Methodological Issues in Clinical Trials. We had a very successful outcome for this Symposium which included a line-up of International speakers and engaging discussion on key issues such as Composite Outcomes, Surrogate Outcomes and Adaptive Designs. The presentation slides from the Symposium will be available here shortly, please check back soon.

Symposium Agenda, Speaker Abstracts, Symposium Poster

Hamilton Health Sciences • Hamilton, Ontario • 905.521.2100