Hamilton Health Sciences
Investigator's Workshop
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First CANNeCTIN Investigator's Workshop was held January 21-22, 2010 in Hamilton, Ontario!

The purpose of this workshop was to help investigators leading CANNeCTIN projects work effectively with the Population Health Research Institute (PHRI) study and support teams in the conduct of CANNeCTIN studies, regardless of the research experience of the investigators, and to more generally help researchers design and implement successful Canadian and global research projects. The planning committee consisted of Drs. Salim Yusuf, PJ Devereaux, John Cairns and Eva Lonn and the workshop included interactive seminars by PHRI Researchers, Collaborators and Senior Personnel. Break-out sessions were held to allow investigators, study teams and representatives from PHRI ICT, Finance, and Statistics to meet regarding individual studies. 

Thursday January 21, 2021

Keys to Conducting Large Trials/Overview of the PHRI Approach - Dr. Salim Yusuf

Achieving Research Success - Dr. Hertzel Gerstein

How to be an Effective Principal Investigator - Dr. PJ Devereaux

Steps to Initiate a Study - Jackie Bosch

Doing KT Research in CANNeCTIN - Drs Jafna Cox, Brian Haynes and Sharon Straus

Principles of Quality Assurance - Janette Panhuis

Data Monitoring for Quality - Ellison Themeles

Keynote Lecture: Testing for Blindness in Cardiovascular Trials - Dr. David Sackett 

Friday January 22, 2021

Methodological Topic: Pilot Studies: The What, How and Why? - Dr. Lehana Thabane

Ensuring Timely Recruitment of Appropraite Subjects - Sue Chrolavicius

Working Effectively with Statisticians - Janice Pogue

Statistical Considerations in Protocol Development: Design (Part I) - Drs Richard Cook and Robert Platt  

Statistical Considerations in Protocol Development: Analysis (Part II) - Drs Lehana Thabane and George Wells

How an External Investigator Can Work Effectively with PHRI Teams - Drs John Cairns and Gilles Dagenais

Adjudication: When, How, and Impact Of? - Dr. Gilles Dagenais

Role and Function of DSMB's - Dr. John Cairns


Hamilton Health Sciences • Hamilton, Ontario • 905.521.2100